City museums and city development
review by J Patrick Greene
What is the role of the city museum? Is it to act as a source of knowledge to influence the development of the city, or is it simply to be a repository for city treasures?

Desert tsunami: Australia's inland floods from prehistory to present
review by Brett Galt-Smith
Examining the sediment of ancient flood deposits in Central Australia shows us how the land was once laid, how lives were once lived and offers a vision of how life might be in the Australian desert in the future.

Red coat dreaming: How colonial Australia embraced the British Army
review by Grace Karskens
Has Australia's obsession with Anzac elided the much longer military history of the British army?

Museum materialities: Objects, engagements, interpretations
review by Andrew Simpson
Essays in this multidisciplinary collection examine the mulitfaceted relationship between objects and people in the museum context.

Connecting kids to history with museum exhibitions
review by Louise Zarmati
If you are a curator, exhibition designer, educator or historian who has anything to do with a history museum that is visited by kids, then this book is for you.

Do museums still need objects?
review by Andrea Witcomb
In his new book, Steven Conn ponders the role played by objects in contemporary museums, and poses the question: If objects no longer play a central role, should this be cause for worry?